ASG Meeting Notes
Monday, February 10, 2024
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Alleigh Stahman, ASG President
Szarria Thomas, ASG Vice President
Morgan Whited, ASG Secretary
Jamecia Shorter, ASG Representative Coordinator
Dr. Stephanie Gardner, Chief Academic Officer & Provost
Dr. Kristen Sterba, Assoc. Provost for Students & Admin.,
Director, Department of Institutional Research, Policy, & Accreditation, Assoc. Professor,
Division of Academic Affairs
Nakia Dedner, Director of Campus Life
Clay Tyler, Assistant Director of Campus Life
Ricardo Ante, Student Services Manager
Opening Remarks – Alleigh Stahman
Ms. Dedner met with the coordinator of workplace violence workshops, and Student Life is gauging student interest in a potential Q&A/self-defense class.
Community Service Committee
We will meet again on March 10.
There are two remaining ASG meetings this semester: March 10 and April 14.
Both ASG fall events and one event for the spring semester have taken place: the Arkansas Travelers game on September 6, Professor Bowl on October 11, and Painting with a Twist on February 7. Painting with a Twist last Friday went very well.
Top Golf event will be April 4, 2025.
Educational and Student Success Center – Janice Nottenkamper
Reminder: the University is transitioning to using Workday, but GUS is still available for now.
Apply for the 2025-2026 FAFSA if you will be in school in the fall and would like financial aid (
If you have not paid tuition and fees, you can set up a payment plan, if need be, on your student account. If you’d like aid for this semester, fill out the FAFSA as soon as possible.
Financial Aid typically awards for fall and spring. If you need summer aid, complete the form on the Financial Aid website. Direct any questions to Financial Aid.
For budgeting assistance, students may contact Ms. Nottenkamper and set up an individual counseling session.
501-686-6128 is the phone number for the Bursar’s office where additional questions about tuition or a payment plan may be directed.
Workday Student and Workday Extended Enterprise Learning – Dr. Kristen Sterba
The current student information system, GUS, is being sunsetted, so we will use
Workday Student. Most students will register for fall 2025 via Workday, and PA programs will start in summer 2025. Preflight laboratory events will be hosted with food where students can come and learn more about Workday.
Students may have received an onboarding email, and that’s where students can update emergency contacts, place of residence, and more.
Extended Enterprise Learning is where students complete training, and it uses a different login. Thank you.
Intramural Sports/ASG Events – Ricardo Ante
Sleepy Joes won first place in the basketball tournament.
The annual tennis tournament is coming up on February 23 as well as pickleball and sand volleyball. Grad Fest and the student lunch are coming up.
The first annual skating night will be March 14.
ASG Events / Community Service – Clay Tyler
All intramural sports and activities have sign-ups on the forms section of the app.
On the last Sunday of February, the tennis tournament will take place.
Grad Fest is coming up on February 20. It will be held from 11:30-1:00 p.m., and students will be fed. The Office of the Registrar will be there with commencement information, Ms. Nottenkamper will be there with Financial Aid, ASG and Campus Life will be there, and there will be live music.
Painting with a Twist, guided by a professional artist, was a good time. Thank you to everyone who came and participated. Top Golf is coming up in April. Sign-ups will open
March 1.
ASG is exploring options for volunteer partnerships.
Student Health Insurance – Nakia Dedner
February 12th is the Student Health Insurance deadline. Ms. Dedner hosted 2 drop-in help sessions last week. There will be another session at 4:30 p.m. where you can ask for help with your verification. There will likely be another Zoom session scheduled which
will be posted on the app.