ASG Officer Meeting
Monday, September 14, 2020
Online Zoom
Noon – 1:00 p.m.
Allison Schneider, ASG President
Kyle Davis, Vice President
Mackenzie Reinhart, Treasurer
Jeffery C. Henson, Secretary
Dr. Stephanie Gardner, Chief Academic Officer & Provost
Dr. Kristen Sterba, Assoc. Provost for Students & Admin.
Cheri Goforth-Warmack, Director of Campus Life
Nakia Dedner, Asst. Director of Campus Life
Allison Schneider Opening Remarks
Dr. Sterba Student Event Update
Allison Schneider Diversity, Inclusion and ASG
Event Updates
Nakia Dedner ASG In-Person Events Update
Student Resource Fair/Constitution Day Online
Thursday, September 17, 2020
ASG Officer Meeting
Monday, September 14, 2020
Online Zoom
Noon – 1:00 p.m.
Allison Schneider, ASG President
Kyle Davis, Vice President
Mackenzie Reinhart, Treasurer
Jeffery C. Henson, Secretary
Dr. Stephanie Gardner, Chief Academic Officer & Provost
Dr. Kristen Sterba, Assoc. Provost for Students & Admin.
Cheri Goforth-Warmack, Director of Campus Life
Nakia Dedner, Asst. Director of Campus Life
Allison Schneider Opening Remarks
(Introduced the new officers)
President–Schneider, Allison M –
Vice President–Davis, Kyle M –
Treasure –Reinhart–Tate, Mackenzie F –
Secretary–Henson, Jeffrey C –
Dr. Sterba Student event Update
Going forward UAMS encourages staff and employees to host
virtual events when possible. Nonetheless student events must go
through the approval process online via Events Form. Dr. Sterba
and Neill will for now approve/deny student events.
Allison Schneider Diversity, Inclusion and ASG
Representative duties will be emailed and explained, adjustments
made due to COVID
ASG/DDEI Equity and Inclusivity Project Details (how project
came about-see below)
Briefly described the (2) projects; Banner and Word Cloud. Reps
have been sent previous notes outlining them in detail.- Refer to
email and see below.
Students confirmed the 3rd week of October worked for their
colleges, assigned days to colleges (October 19th
-23rd) COM 10/19, COP 10/20, CON 10/22, COPH 10/21, GRAD 10/21,
CHP 10/21
Voted on Diversity Statement moving forward to print.
Collected Commitment statements from students. Everyone
was supposed to have at least 1 statement for the meeting.
We needed 5-7 of them by the conclusion of meeting.
Students posted commitment statements in the chat and
email. Nakia will compile the statements; send to ASG
officers then forward to Creative Services.
Word Cloud (WC) wording has been sent to Creative
Services to begin artwork draft. A survey was sent to student
body for input. Survey deadline ended 8/28/20. See bottom
Option for t-shirt (1) Diversity Statement on front & WC on
back or (2) Diversity Statement front & UAMS Logo on back.
Allison gave a 3rd option, UAMS logo over right pocket and
WC on the back. Students voted for option 3.
Students selected Painting with a Twist date for 10/16 and
Pumpkin Carving Zoom Showcase set for 10/30
Students asked about committees to serve. Previously we
had events, community service and insurance. Allison will
email committees for students to join.
Nakia Dedner ASG In-Person Events Update/Community Service Event
Student Resource Fair/Constitution Day Online, 9/17/20.
This year constitution day was hosted virtually this year. Nakia put
together a Power Point of varied UAMS Campus Resources on
the Campus Life webpage. The link below will go “live”, 9/17/20
and emailed to all students. Constitution Day is part of NCATE
DDEI Projects email content sent to ASG Reps and Officers
Project 1–Vinyl Banner and Signing (ASG Diversity Statement)
ASG officers will review the statement draft with the representatives and reps will complete the action items during the meeting. Students will also confirm if the 3rd week of October works for their college. October 19th-23rd is tentatively when signing of the banner will take place (event). Each college will be assigned a day to come sign the banner and receive a boxed lunch and bottle of water. Distribution of lunch will take place during the week to adhere to social distancing guidelines. The banner will sit on 2-8ft tables for signature. ASG and DDEI will join to distribute the meals. Vanessa Lewis,
Cheri Goforth and Nakia Dedner are set up to manage the tables from 11:30-1:00 each day. Nonetheless, ASG reps are needed as well. After the ASG meeting Nakia will forward the final draft of the diversity statement and action items to Dr. Gittens for approval. Once approved, Nakia will forward the final statement to Creative Services (CS) to execute printing. The banner will hang in the Student Center after all students sign the banner. This event will take place in front of the UAMS fountain.
Project 2–Word Cloud
The student body was invited to tell ASG in 1-2 words, what diversity meant to them. The words were collected via survey and compiled to create the word cloud artwork. This too will hang in the Student Center since this is where many students hang out. This project is slated for completion in late October. We thought involving all UAMS students would be a great way to represent the students ASG serve.
The goal is to have all task completed by October 30th. Word cloud draft was approved 9/28/20.
Virtual Student Resource Fair and Constitution Day Presentation 2020
Each year Campus Life and Student Support Services host the Student Resource Fair and Constitution Day. This event provides campus resources and information to all students enrolled at UAMS. However, this year we’re providing this event virtually on Thursday, September 17, 2020.
You may access the various departments by clicking on the link below. We miss you all and hope we can return to our face to face fun soon. Please remember to take the Constitution Day Quiz at the end of the presentation to compete for a prize. To view and play videos, you must be logged into UAMS Box, next click the “open Power Point” at the top of the page, download and play videos (presentation mode) to win a Campus Life Champion t-shirt.
City of Little Rock Fall Great American Cleanup in Arkansas
UAMS ASG Community Clean Up for Students
Saturday, September 26, 2000, 9:00 am
UAMS Residence Hall Administrative Building (Meet up point & supply pick up – 4601 W Markham, LR, AR 72204)
The Keep America Beautiful Great American Cleanup is the nation’s largest community improvement event. Arkansas has historically been a leader in volunteerism during this three-month springtime effort by organizing 300 events that involved more than 10,000 volunteers and 45,000 hours of donated time. This fall, improve your community by participating in the UAMS ASG Community Clean Up for Students!
We will pick up trash on either side of West Markham, starting at the UAMS Residence Hall to Burger King and the Department of Health. Students receive IPE Competence Practice Bridge Activity Credit and t-shirts. Please RSVP Nakia Dedner at today!
Students must wear mask and gloves for this event (gloves will be issued). To adhere to social distancing guidelines students must remain 6 feet apart during entire event. Any UAMS student can participate!