Associated Student Government
Monday, October 14, 2019
IDW 114 A/B
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Cody Timmerman, ASG President
Jeanne Rabalais, Vice President
Kyle Davis, Treasurer
Allison Schneider, Secretary
Dr. Gardner, Chief Academic Officer & Provost
Kristen Sterba, Assoc. Provost for Students & Admin.
Cheri Goforth, Director of Campus Life
Nakia Dedner, Asst. Director of Campus Life
Leslie Jordan, NW AR Coordinator
Cody Timmerman Opening Remarks
Introduce Speakers
Natalie Cannady Student Wellness
Tonya Johnson Stocked and Reddie
Mandy Corbin
Greg McKinney Student Safety
Cody Timmerman Representative Duties
Committee Selection
Halloween Door Sign-up (reps sign up for a shift)
Event Announcements
ASG Upcoming Events
Red Ribbon Week, Student Center, 10/21-24
UAMS Halloween Party, NLE,10/25, 8 pm
Winter Gear Collection at Halloween Party
Next ASG Meeting is scheduled for
Monday, November 18th IDW 114 A/B
Associated Student Government
Monday, October 14, 2019
IDW 114 A/B
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Student Wellness
Institution wide program
Go onto to fill out a survey to tell UAMS how to better serve your wellness needs; after completion of the survey you can enter a drawing to win UAMS goodies
Health fair tomorrow (10/15)- therapy dogs, massage therapist, vendors,
giveaways-in lobby gallery
Wants to have more events tailored towards students- contact them with any ideas
Stocked and Ready
Register online, not an application
Can donate reusable grocery bags and certain food or donate money
Can receive volunteer and service hours
Grab and go meals- perfect for busy students
Everyone can be a member of, especially if you want to volunteer-symbiotic
They are there to help you stretch your budget
Student Safety
Prevention of assault of you or someone you know, how to be supportive to
assaults victims
There is an officer that takes statistics that are reported to him and reports them to campus administration
Reporting crimes is very important so proper measures can be taken in the future and so the victims have access to the proper resources that help them cope with what has occurred
Representative Duties/ Committee Selection/ Halloween Door Sign-up/ Event
Stocked and Reddie has been selected as our community service project for the year
Halloween Party admission: $2 or winter gear, socks, scarves, hats, etc.
Places to donate? Our house, Dorcas house, Canvas, etc.
Canvas was potentially selected for our donations
SNMA fundraising event- 10/21/19 5-10PM at BWW on Cantrell
Email Nakia if you are interested in volunteering to help sell movie tickets