Sleep is defined as a naturally recurring state characterized by altered consciousness. Good sleep plays an important role in physical health, mental health, and quality of life. It is vital to many of the body’s mechanisms including restoration of the immune, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems, and is important in maintaining mood, memory, and cognitive performance. The body resorts to an anabolic state during sleep, which allows these restorative processes to take over. The sleep state is also important in hormone regulation including insulin and plays a role in decreasing the risk for ailments such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Good sleep not only promotes improvements in cognitive function but also in better overall health outcomes, immune function, and weight maintenance.
Sleep is time for the development of new neuronal connections, and these pathways are essential to learning and remembering new information. Good sleep also promotes focus, concentration, decision-making, and emotional stability. This is especially important for students who rely on optimal focus
and retention of learned information to be successful. It’s clear that good sleep is needed for us to be at our best. However, sleep is often the first thing that busy (and stressed) people squeeze out of their schedules. Good sleep habits are practices that can help busy people in improving sleep quality.
- Stick to a sleep schedule
Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to avoid disruption in sleep-wake rhythm. If you are awake in bed for more than
20 or 30 minutes, get 1p out of bed and do a quiet activity such as light reading and return to bed when you feel that you could fall
asleep with ease.
- Pay attention to what you eat and drink
Avoid large meals close to bedtime, but a light snack such as milk, cheese, or peanut butter can be helpful. Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine, especially in the evenings - Create a bedtime ritual
Have a bedtime routine that incorporates relaxation practices. During this time, avoid artificial light provided by electronic devices. If you have difficulty quieting your thoughts, try setting aside some time in the evening specifically for thinking, planning, and problem-solving. Jot down your thoughts so you can set them aside for the next morning. - Limit daytime naps
Avoid naps as this disrupts drive to sleep at night. But if you must, keep it before 3 pm and brief (ideally 30 minutes or less). - Include physical activity in your daily routine
Spend some time outside every day. Get moderate physical activity, but avoid exercising right before bedtime.
If you find you are not falling asleep, do not try” harder to go to sleep. This can backfire and stimulate you to be more awake. Just think of something soothing® and relaxing*
Chronic insomnia affects 10-15% of the population. So if you are having trouble sleeping, know that you are not alone! There are numerous reasons for poor sleep including genetics, mental health problems, substance abuse, and sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, restless legs, narcolepsy, and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Warning signs for sleep disorders include unrefreshing sleep with adequate sleep time, witnessing apneas, snoring, or falling asleep at inappropriate times such as while driving, or during a conversation. If you suspect that you have a sleep disorder or an untreated mood disorder affecting your sleep, please see your doctor for an evaluation.