Common Symptoms of Depression
- Changes in sleep patterns: much more or much less
- Changes in eating patterns; much more or much less
- Fatigue or loss of energy, feeling heavy
- Headaches, stomachaches, or other unexplained aches and pains
- Loss of interest in & enjoyment of previously pleasurable activities sex, sports,
- hobbies, going out with friends, etc.
- Difficulty concentrating or making decisions being unable to remember what you have studied for hours!
- Neglecting responsibilities & personal appearance
- Depressed mood, apathetic, irritable, pessimistic, negative, guilty, anxious. empty, etc
- Feeling hopeless & helpless
- Feeling worthless
What Causes Depression
Some people feel like they know why they are depressed. They just broke up with a partner, a pet died, an exam did not go well. Other times. the reasons may not be quite clear It may not be just one cause that leads us to feeling demoralized and hopeless.