Give Feedback on a Tutoring Session We appreciate your taking the time to complete this form. Your feedback helps us to improve the Peer Tutoring Program. Give feedback on a tutoring session CollegeNW Campus-COMNW Campus-CONNW Campus-PharmacyNW Campus-CHPCollege of Health ProfessionsCollege of MedicineCollege of NursingCollege of PharmacyCollege of Public HealthGraduate SchoolName of the Peer Tutor * RequiredDate of the Tutoring Session * Required MM slash DD slash YYYY Time session began (estimates are acceptable) : Hours Minutes AM/PM AM PM AM/PM Course * RequiredWas this an individual or group Peer Tutoring session? * Required Individual (you were the only one being tutored in this session) Group (at least one other student was being tutored in this session) Was the group size suitable? * Required Yes No Were you able to participate equally in the group? * Required Yes No How much did you learn in this day's session? * Required Almost Nothing A Little Bit Some Quite a Bit A Great Amount Did your test result change based on what you learned in this session? * Required Almost Nothing A Little Bit Some Quite a Bit A Lot Better How well prepared was the Peer Tutor for the session? * Required Not Prepared Somewhat Prepared Prepared Very Well Prepared Did you prepare for this session? Yes No What did the Peer Tutor do to help you learn the material? * RequiredWhat else could the Peer Tutor have done to help you better learn the material? * RequiredWould you like to request a change to your tutoring assignment? (check here if so) Please enter your email address below to have an SSC faculty member contact you about your request to change your tutoring assignment.(or you can email ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird ChoicePhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.